Someone Drawing Something
Comprehensive list of synonyms for to hold something or someone, by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus..Carry; stop someone/something moving; position part of body; put arms around someone; be able to contain; fit amount inside; organize event; have; have .Hold someone 's feet to the fire. To pressure someone to consent to or undertake something. hold sway. To have a controlling influence; dominate. hold the .
And although I might be one of the only people who prefers holding someone 's hand to going home with someone for the night, it isn 't just an ."You see what power is holding someone else 's fear in your hand and showing it to them." -Amy Tan, from her book The Kitchen God 's Wife 1991 . You may have already kissed that special someone, indulged in a couch makeout session, and even had; but the thrill of holding hands is . The work that Ann did can be defined by a term that 's become common in some of the circles in which I work. She was holding space for us..
It can serve as a powerful statement. For instance, if a celebrity is spotted holding hands with someone, society automatically assumes the pair is together..
Hold someone or something up 1. Lit. to keep someone or something upright. Johnny is falling asleep. Please hold him up until I prepare the bed for him. Hold up the .
Hold someone's feet to the fire definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!.
Definition of hold from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary English. The Longman English Dictionary provides support and resources for those who want to .
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