Getting Hold Of Someone By Phone
Get even idiom. get even idiom. get even with sb idiom. get him, her, you, etc.! idiom. get hold of idiom. get hold of someone idiom. get hold of something idiom. get in. get in a sweat idiom..Get hold of somebody. to communicate with someone get ahold of somebody He said he planned to call Mom this week, so I thought he 'd get hold of her sooner or later..
Get hold of someone definition, meaning, what is get hold of someone: to communicate with someone, esp. by telephone: . Learn more.. The meaning actually depends on what follows of, so get hold/ahold of someone means communicate with/reach someone and get hold/ahold .Define get hold of someone and get synonyms. What is get hold of someone? get hold of someone meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary..I am un happy about the new name change issue I have always went by BJ not my real name most people don 't know my real name so now anyone from When .
Get hold of somebody. to communicate with someone get ahold of somebody He said he planned to call Mom this week, so I thought he'd get hold of her sooner or later..
Define get hold of. get hold of synonyms, hold someone's feet to the fire. To pressure someone to consent to or undertake something. hold sway..
Get hold of someone meaning, definition, what is get hold of someone: to communicate with someone, esp. by telephone: . Learn more..
Synonyms for get hold of at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day..
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